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If you’re looking for a neat and organized way to store or hang your garden tools in a metal shed, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with helpful tips on how to hang garden tools in a metal shed safely and securely.

Firstly, let us take a quick look at why it is important to hang garden tools in a metal shed

Why Hanging Garden Tools in a Metal Shed is Important?

Organizing your garden tools in a metal shed may seem like a simple thing to do, but have you ever considered the importance of hanging them? Hanging your garden tools is not just about neatness and convenience; it actually plays an important role in maintaining their quality and ensuring their longevity.
First and foremost, hanging your garden tools in a metal shed helps to prevent rust and corrosion.

Many garden tools in the shed in the yard

When garden tools are left on the floor or stored haphazardly, they can come into contact with moisture, dirt, and other elements that can cause rust to develop. By hanging them, you are keeping them off the ground and reducing their exposure to these damaging factors. This means your tools will remain in better condition and be ready for use whenever you need them.

Also, hanging your garden tools helps to prevent accidents and injuries. When tools are scattered around or stored in a disorganized manner, they can pose a hazard to you and others. You may accidentally step on a sharp edge or trip over a handle, leading to potential injuries.

By hanging your tools securely in a metal shed, you eliminate these risks and create a safer working environment.

Materials Needed For Hanging Garden Tools in a Metal Shed

1. Pegboard: This versatile and durable material will serve as the backbone of your hanging system. It comes in various sizes and can be easily cut to fit the dimensions of your shed. Look for a pegboard that is made from high-quality materials to ensure it can withstand the weight of your tools.

2. Hooks and hangers: You’ll need a variety of hooks and hangers to accommodate different types of tools. Consider purchasing a mix of single hooks, double hooks, and specialty hangers designed for specific tools such as shovels or rakes. Make sure the hooks and hangers are made from sturdy materials like stainless steel or heavy-duty plastic.

3. Screws or nails: To attach the pegboard to the walls of your shed, you’ll need screws or nails. Choose ones that are appropriate for the material of your shed, whether it’s metal or wood. It’s a good idea to have a variety of sizes on hand to accommodate different wall thicknesses.

4. Power drill or hammer: Depending on the type of fasteners you’re using, you’ll need either a power drill or a hammer to secure them in place. A power drill with the appropriate drill bit will make the job quicker and easier, but a hammer and nails can work just as well.

How to Hang Garden Tools in a Metal Shed

Here are the 8 steps to follow on how to hang garden tools in a metal shed

Step 1. Assessing Your Space for Hanging Options

Assessing your space for hanging options is the first step in creating a well-organized and functional system for your garden tools. Before you start installing hooks and hangers, take your time to evaluate your metal shed and determine the best locations for hanging your gardening tools.

You need to consider the layout of your shed. Look for open wall spaces that are easily accessible and provide enough room to hang your tools without overcrowding. It’s important to have enough space between tools to prevent tangling or damage.

How to Hang Garden Tools in a Metal Shed

Next, take stock of your garden tool collection. Assess the types and sizes of tools you have and consider their weight. Heavier tools like shovels and hoes will require sturdier hooks or hangers, while smaller tools like hand trowels and pruning shears can be hung on lighter hooks.
Consider the height at which you want to hang your tools. If you have tall tools like rakes or hoes, you may want to hang them higher up on the wall to maximize vertical space. Smaller tools can be hung at a lower height for easier access.

Step 2. Choosing the Right Hanging System

When it comes to hanging your garden tools in your metal shed, choosing the right hanging system is crucial for ensuring a secure and efficient organization. There are several options available, and finding the one that suits your needs and preferences is important.

One option is a pegboard system. This versatile and customizable system allows you to create a layout that works best for your tool collection. With a pegboard, you can easily move and rearrange the hooks and hangers as needed. This flexibility is great for accommodating different types and sizes of tools, and it also allows for future expansion.

Another option is a wall-mounted rack system. These racks are designed specifically for hanging garden tools and typically come with pre-drilled holes for easy installation. Wall-mounted racks are sturdy and provide a dedicated space for each tool, ensuring they stay in place and are easily accessible.

Step 3. Install the Hanging System

Now, it’s time to install the hanging system. This is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to follow the steps carefully to ensure a secure and stable setup.

First, gather all the materials you’ll need for the installation, including the pegboard, hooks, screws or nails, power drill or hammer, measuring tape, and level. Make sure you have everything readily accessible before you start.

Start by measuring and marking the desired height for your pegboard or wall-mounted rack on the wall. Use a level to ensure that the marks are straight and evenly spaced. If you’re using a pegboard, you may need to cut it to fit the dimensions of your shed using a saw.

Next, using your power drill or hammer, secure the pegboard or wall-mounted rack to the wall using the appropriate screws or nails. Start at one corner and work your way across, making sure the board is level as you go. If you’re using screws, be sure to pre-drill holes to prevent the board from splitting.

Once the board is securely in place, it’s time to install the hooks and hangers. Determine the appropriate spacing based on the size and weight of your tools.

Place the hooks or hangers on the pegboard or rack, ensuring they are level and evenly spaced. Use your power drill or hammer to secure them in place.

After all the hooks and hangers are installed, give the system a final inspection to ensure everything is stable and secure. Test the hooks and hangers by gently tugging on them to make sure they can hold the weight of your tools without wobbling or falling off.

Now that you have your hanging system installed in your metal shed, it’s time to hang your garden tools.

Step 4. Sort and categorize your tools

Before you start hanging your tools, take some time to sort and categorize them. This will make it easier to determine where each tool should be hung and ensure that you have enough hooks or hangers for each type.

Step 5. Plan the layout

Consider the size and weight of each tool and plan their placement accordingly. Heavier tools should be hung on sturdy hooks or hangers, while lighter tools can be hung on lighter hooks. Make sure to leave enough space between tools to prevent tangling or damage.

Step 6. Hang the larger tools first

Start by hanging the larger gardening tools, such as shovels, rakes, and hoes. These tools should be hung at a height that allows for easy access and prevents them from blocking other tools.

Use the appropriate hooks or hangers for each tool and make sure they are securely attached to the pegboard or wall-mounted rack, to prevent them from falling.

Step 7. Hang the smaller tools

Garden tools in a metal shed

Once the larger tools are hung, move on to the smaller tools. These can include hand trowels, pruning shears, garden knives, and other handheld tools. Again, use the appropriate hooks or hangers for each tool and make sure they are securely attached.

8. Arrange tools for easy access

: As you hang your tools, consider the frequency of use and arrange them accordingly. Tools that you use more often should be placed at a height that is easy to reach, while tools that are used less frequently can be placed higher up or on the side.


Adephemy is a professional blogger who loves gardening and always wants to show people what gardening really is. Because of his passion for writing and gardening, he has written many articles related to gardening tools to help both new and old gardeners in their gardening journey.

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