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Maintaining your garden tools not only prolongs their life but also ensures they are always ready for use. Rust, the ever-present threat to metal objects, can quickly turnyour garden tools into unusable relics if not properly managed.

This post provides guide on how to keep garden tools from rusting, ensuring they remain in top condition year after year.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can keep your garden tools from rusting.

1. Clean Tools After Each Use

Preventing rust starts right after you finish using your garden tools. Immediately remove soil, sap, and any plant materials, which can contribute to moisture and acid buildup, leading to rust.

Employ a stiff brush to eliminate dirt from the metal surfaces. For more persistent residues like sap, use a cloth soaked in mineral spirits to gently wipe them away. Following this, a thorough washing with soapy water should be done to ensure all lingering dirt and potential rust-inducing elements are removed.

Rinse them well to get rid of soap residue. This initial step is foundational in maintaining functionality of your garden tools, setting the stage for further rust-prevention measures.

2. Dry Thoroughly Before Storage

Once you’ve cleaned your garden tools, the next thing to do to to keep garden tools from rusting is properly drying your tools before storage.

Use a clean, absorbent towel to wipe down each tool, focusing on metal components where rust is most likely to develop. For hard-to-reach spots, consider using compressed air or a hair dryer set to a cool setting to ensure these areas are also fully dried.

How to Keep Garden Tools from Rusting in 5 steps
The gardening tools hanging on the wooden dock

This step is vital; even a small amount of moisture left on the tools can lead to rust over time. By making sure your tools are thoroughly dried, you significantly reduce the risk of rust and ensure they are ready for their next use.

3. Apply a Protective Coating

After ensuring that your garden tools are both clean and thoroughly dry, it’s time to apply a protective layer that acts as a guard against rust. Mineral oil or a silicone-based lubricant works effectively for this purpose, creating a water-repellent barrier on the metal surfaces of your tools.

This is particularly beneficial for garden tools with moving components, such as pruners and shears, as it aids in their smooth operation. When applying the coating, it’s essential to do so lightly, making sure to remove any excess with a cloth.

This precaution helps prevent the accumulation of dirt and debris, which could compromise the protective layer.

4. Store Properly to Keep Garden Tools from Rusting

The correct storage of your garden tools can help preven rusting. Opt for a dry, well-ventilated space where tools can be kept off the ground. This could mean hanging them on a wall rack, metal shed, placing them inside a toolbox, or arranging them in a cabinet. Such measures ensure that your tools are not exposed to moisture, which is a prime factor in rust development.

For tools that don’t fit these storage options, consider a bucket filled with sand and a bit of mineral oil. Storing tools with wooden handles upright in this mixture can help absorb moisture from the metal parts, keeping them dry and rust-free.

By choosing the right storage method based on the available space and the specific needs of your tools, you effectively minimize the risk of rust and extend the lifespan of your gardening equipment.

ALSO READ: How to build storage shed for garden tools

5. Inspect Regularly

Regular inspections are crucial for keeping your garden tools in their best shape and preventing the onset of rust. Make it a habit to examine your tools frequently for any indicators of wear or rust spots.

Early detection is key; if rust is observed, immediately take action by using steel wool or a wire brush to gently scrub away the rust from the affected areas.

Maintaining sharpness and proper functioning of your tools also contributes to rust prevention, as well-maintained tools are less susceptible to environmental damage that could promote rusting.

Additional Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Garden Tools from Rusting

To further ensure your garden tools remain free from rust, embrace these additional practices: Keeping tools indoors after use is crucial; exposure to outdoor elements like dew and humidity can be detrimental. When circumstances necessitate temporary outdoor storage, seek a sheltered area or an elevated dry spot to prevent direct contact with moisture. Introducing silica gel packets in your tool storage zones acts as an effective strategy to soak up unwanted dampness, providing an extra layer of protection against rust.

Additionally, investing in tools crafted from stainless steel or those treated with rust-preventative finishes can be a wise choice, particularly for gardeners in regions prone to high moisture levels or frequent rain.

These strategies not only enhance the longevity of your tools but also maintain their efficiency, ensuring your gardening activities remain uninterrupted and productive.


Adephemy is a professional blogger who loves gardening and always wants to show people what gardening really is. Because of his passion for writing and gardening, he has written many articles related to gardening tools to help both new and old gardeners in their gardening journey.

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